Sunday, February 11, 2018

Feb 12-18th

Audrey, Linnea, Cassandra, Uhuru & Isak
at the Race of the Methow
Feb 12-18

Congratulations to Uhuru and Isak for qualifying for Junior Nationals. Uhuru and Isak will represent the Pacific Northwest Ski Association at 4 races in Soldier Hollow, Utah in March.  This will be Uhuru’s fourth trip to “JNs” and Isak’s first. They qualified based on their best 5 of 8 qualifying races.  The final 2 races were in the Methow this weekend.

This week we are going to try something different for the elementary: Wednesday only at Cabin Creek. We will drive up from Super 1, ski, eat some pizza, and then bring kids back at 7PM.

Monday: No activity
Tues 3:15 Middle & High School Group Blewett CLASSIC Return to EHS 6:00
Wed Elementary Skating at Cabin Creek Meet at Super 1 at 3:20 Return at 7 (full of pizza)
Thurs 3:15 EHS Middle & High School Group Mineral Springs or Blewett SKATING Return to EHS 5:45PM
Sunday: Cabin Creek Skating 10AM-1PM- we will do a longer session on Sunday.  Meet EHS 9AM return 2PM
Jessica and Heather had a suggestions for a fundraiser- a lesson for adults.  If there is interest we could do that Sunday after the kids.  If you are interested, send me an email.

Looking ahead.  Feb 24th Washington Nordic Cup 4 in Plain.  The race may be farther up the valley- it depends on snow.

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